Testing ======= django-timepiece includes several different alternatives for testing. Test can be run using the default django test runner, through `Tox `_, or with `django-jenkins `_. Tox and django-jenkins are not required to run the tests for django-timepiece, but it is possible to use them:: pip install --upgrade tox django-jenkins A Python module, ``run_tests.py``, is included if you do not want to run tests using Tox. This is the Python module used to run tests when executing ``python setup.py test``. The tests are run through Django, using Django's default test runner. It accepts an optional argument, ``run_tests.py jenkins``, that runs the tests using django-jenkins. Running the tests with django-jenkins also requires you to install `coverage `_ and `pep8 `_. django-timepiece inclues a Tox configuration file to run tests in a variety of environments: * `py26-1.3` - Test using Python 2.6 and Django 1.3.x * `py26-1.4` - Test using Python 2.6 and Django 1.4.x * `py27-1.3` - Test using Python 2.7 and Django 1.3.x * `py27-1.4` - Test using Python 2.7 and Django 1.4.x You can run any of the environments listed above using: ``tox -e name``. The tests are run through Django's default test runner, but you can also run the tests using django-jenkins along with tox by providing an extra argument: ``tox -e name -- jenkins``.