Release Notes ============= 0.8.3 (unreleased) ------------------ Related issues are in the `0.8.3 milestone `_. * Fixed invoice creation to separate out non-billable activities and not count them in the invoice totals. * Added link to `Outstanding Hours` page from `Invoice Detail` page. * Added schedule link to mobile navbar * Added requirement that scheduled hours be > 0. * Added tests for project hours. * Fixed weekly schedule editor so project name changes stick. * Clicking 'Clock Out' more than once gives 404 error. 0.8.2 (Released 01-25-2013) --------------------------- Related issues are in the `0.8.2 milestone `_. * Added permission requirements to view invoice list * Added static files blocks to the base template 0.8.1 (Released 01-22-2013) --------------------------- Related issues are in the `0.8.1 milestone `_. * Restored `slug` field on RelationshipType 0.8.0 (Released 01-21-2013) --------------------------- Related issues are in the `0.8.0 milestone `_. *Features* * Cleaned up the URL and template structure (This will break many existing bookmarks!) * Removed the General Ledger report in favor of adding a summary by project on the Hourly Report page * Default to showing entries from the previous week grouped by day on the Hourly Report * Fall back to displaying username when a user's first & last name are unavailable * Added name field to ProjectContract model * Made ProjectContract <-> Project a many-to-many relationship * Added additional information on ProjectContract detail page * Added list of contracts on Project detail page * Allow running a subset of tests through `` (now in accordance with existing documentation) * Created a `get_active_entry` utility which raises `ActiveEntryError` if a user has more than one active entry * Permanent tabs for user time sheet tabs * Upgrade less from 1.3.0 -> 1.3.3 * New model ContractHours allows tracking whether specific blocks of hours on a contract have been approved. *Bugfixes* * Prevent "None" from appearing under date headers on dashboard's All Entries tab * Save Auth groups when adding/editing a user * Include current GET parameters when using 'next' in a URL *Other Changes* * Removed unused methods from ProjectContract and ContractAssignment models * Removed unused ContractMilestone model * Removed unused AssignmentManager class * Removed unused `slug` fields from Business & RelationshipType models * Removed ProjectContract from Project admin * Improved test coverage of template tags * Changed references to person/people to user/users for consistency with data model * Removed unused `clear_form.js` * Used slightly darker highlight color for active project on dashboard's Progress tab * Removed paste styles from `styles.less` * Updated contributing docs to indicate that pull requests should be made to `caktus:develop` * Removed some unused images, renamed a couple of others. 0.7.3 (Released 01-07-2013) --------------------------- Related issues are in the `0.7.3 milestone `_. *Features* * Row and column highlighting on weekly schedule * Redirect regular users to schedule view from schedule edit (rather than redirecting to login) * Use checkbox select multiple for editing groups on person add/edit forms * Added "active" column to front-end user list & detail views * Permanent links to dashboard tabs * Dashboard project progress table - Highlight row of active project - Made width of bars relative to maximum worked or assigned hours - Show overtime bar for work on unassigned projects * Dashboard "All Entries" tab - Moved "Add Entry" button to top right of page, and clock in dropdown - Split entries by day into separate tables, with a summary row - Added comment column, and included comment in row tooltip - Hide pause time unless it is greater than 0 *Bugfixes* * Fixed bugs in handling filters on the hourly report * Only summarize entries in the time period requested on hourly & billable reports (previously, entries for the entire week which includes the from date were included) * Fixed bug which prevented projects being removed from the hourly report filter * Keep GET parameters when deleting entry (allows proper redirection) * Use ``history.back()`` on cancel buttons on clock in, clock out, and add entry pages * Fixed floating point errors that caused project progress bars to display over two lines * Prevent negative worked/assigned time on project progress bars * Fix project progress bar behavior when worked = 0 and assigned = 0 (e.g., just after clocking into an unassigned project) * Allow editing groups on person edit page * Fixed subnav rendering on invoice pages 0.7.2 (Released 11-28-2012) --------------------------- * Fixed test failures that resulted from changes to the display of project names when clocking time. 0.7.1 (Released 11-28-2012) --------------------------- Related issues are in the `0.7.1 milestone `_. * Fixed path to white Glyphicons * Fixed duplicates in unverified list on Payroll Summary report * Removed unused ``timepiece/time-sheet/_entry_list.html`` template * Made ```` field required * Schema migration to add ``Business.short_name`` field * Add ``Business.get_display_name()`` to retrieve first of ``short_name`` or ``name`` * Show business short name with project name on the dashboard, clock in, clock out, and outstanding invoices pages * Added ``Entry.get_paused_seconds()`` - gets total time paused on any entry, regardless of whether it is currently active or paused * Removed ``Entry.get_active_seconds()`` * Moved ``Entry.get_seconds()`` to ``Entry.get_total_seconds()`` - updated to get total worked seconds for any entry, regardless of whether it is currently active or paused, also taking into account the amount of time paused * Dashboard tweaks and bug fixes - Fixed pause time bug - Fixed incorrect link name in mobile navbar - Fixed floating point errors in progress bar width calculations - Fixed overall progress bar styling when worked width = 0% - Fixed project progress bar responsiveness when resizing or zooming the page - Show overtime on project progress bars - Use dark green instead of red on overtime bars - Separated the "Project" and "Activity" columns in the all entries list - Include active entry in the all entries list - Increased the prominence of the active entry section - Show the current activity name in the active entry section - Removed link to the active project from the active entry section - Use "for" instead of "on" when describing entries 0.7.0 (Released 11-16-2012) --------------------------- *Features* * Added search to Project list view in admin * Added project relationship information on Person detail view * Updated the navigation bar - Added "Quick Clock In" pulldown to allow link to project-specific clock in form from anywhere on the site - Replaced "Dashboard" pulldown with a link to the user's monthly time sheet. The dashboard is accessible via the "Timepiece" link in the top left corner. - Renamed "Reports" dropdown to "Management", and moved link to the admin from the user pulldown - Moved "Online Users" info to weekly dashboard view & removed the ``active_entries`` context processor - Made search box smaller unless it is the focused element - Use user's first name instead of email address on user pulldown * Redesigned the weekly dashboard view - Active entry section allows convenient summary & manipulation of the current entry - Visualization of overall progress (out of hours set in ``UserProfile.hours_per_week``) - Visualization of hours worked on each project (out of ProjectHours assigned this week) - Use "humanized" hours display (1:30) rather than decimal (1.5) * Added productivity report, which compares the hours worked on a project to the hours that were assigned to it *Bug Fixes* * Updated to latest version of Bootstrap * Updated django-compressor from 1.1.2 -> 1.2 & updated run_tests settings to avoid masking primary errors in tests * Set ``USE_TZ = False`` in example_project settings because we don't currently support use of timezones * Added missing app and context processors to settings in example_project and run_tests * Updated example_project settings & README to reflect that INTERNAL_IPS must be set in order to ensure that Bootstrap Glyphicons can be found * Fixed bug when copying the previous week's ProjectHours entries to current week when entries for the current week already exist. * Fixed bug when removing ProjectRelationship through the front end *Code Quality* * Renamed the 'timepiece-entries' URL to 'dashboard' * Removed unnecessary settings from example_project and run_tests * Split up settings files in example project to use base and local settings * Removed unused jqplot library * Moved ``multiply`` template tag to timepiece_tags and removed math_tags file * Removed most of custom icon set in favor of Bootstrap's Glyphicons 0.6.0 (Released 10-04-2012) --------------------------- * Updated version requirement for South to 0.7.6 * Updated version requirement for django-bootstrap-toolkit to 2.5.6 * Use Javascript to manage date filter links on Reports pages * Use "empty" text when there is no Billable Report data to visualize * Include auth groups select to Person creation form * Added pagination and search to Previous Invoices page * Show current project name and activity on Clock Out page * Maintain selected month on link to Person time sheet from Payroll Report page * Maintain selected month on link to Project time sheet from Outstanding Hours page * Fixed division-by-0 bug on ContractAssignment admin page * Fixed infinite loop when ordering by Project on ProjectContract admin page * Prevent admin from requiring that all ProjectContract inlines be completed on Project creation * Use default options for the filter form on the Hourly Report page We also completed a full audit of the code, in which we deleted stale parts, removed unmaintained features, and made some simple cleanups: * Migrated the ``PersonSchedule.hours_per_week`` field to the UserProfile model * Deleted the AssignmentAllocation and PersonSchedule models * Removed all projection-related code, including admin and model hooks, forms, views, templates, and `` * Deleted `` * Removed unused fields from DateForm * Removed unused templates and static files * Removed unused utilities, template tags, and forms * Cleaned up imports, used the ``render`` shortcut in all views, and used the new-style url in all templates * Refreshed the example project and added missing templates and JavaScript files 0.5.4 (Released 09-13-2012) --------------------------- * Projects on Invoices/Outstanding Hours page are sorted by status and then by name * Weekly Project Hours chart uses horizontal zebra striping * New permission added for approving timesheets * Fixed a bug in Project Hours edit view that prevented deletion of multiple entries at once * Added links to Person timesheet from Payroll Report page * Added links to Project timesheet on Invoice page 0.5.3 (Released 08-10-2012) --------------------------- * Added a "Billable Hours" report, which displays a chart of billable and non-billable hours for a selected group of people, activities, project types and date range. * Improved usability of the payroll report * Made forms with date ranges more consistent and DRY * Added a restriction that prevents users from adding entries to months with approved or invoiced entries. * Removed the link to edit weekly project hours for users without that permission * Improved readability of report tables by changing the hover color to something more distinctive. 0.5.2 (Released 08-01-2012) --------------------------- * Added "Project Hours" views, which allow managers to assign project hours to users in a spreadsheet-like interface. * Simplified implementation of timezone support. * Fixed a bug that was preventing the weekly totals in "Hourly Summary" of "My Ledger" from being displayed. * Removed the display of "hours out of" in the "billable time" section of "My Work This Week" and added it to the "total time this week" section. 0.5.1 (Released 07-20-2012) --------------------------- * Added compatability with Django 1.4 and timezone support * Added mobile support for the dashboard (clocking in/out, ledger, etc.) * Fixed a bug where the last billable day was calculated incorrectly * Payroll report now lists types of projects under billable and non-billable columns * Moved the "Others Are Working On" table to a popover in the navigation * Work total table now includes the active entry * Comment field available when clocking in to a project * Added support for custom navigation through EXTRA_NAV setting * Across the board styling changes 0.5.0 (Released 07-12-2012) --------------------------- * Complete styling upgrade using `Twitter Bootstrap `_ * Fixed permissions for client users that can't clock in * Replaced deprecated message_set calls with new messages API calls * Added django-bootstrap-toolkit requirement * Included the top navigation bar inside of the app's templates. * Made the project edit form use selectables for searching for businesses. * Improved tox configuration of test database names * Added a makefile and /docs for building documentation with Sphinx 0.4.2 (Released 06-15-2012) --------------------------- * Fixed permissions for creating businesses. * Hourly reports in "My Ledger" display previous weeks of the month if an overlapping entry exists. * Fixed permissions for rejecting verified entries. * Fixed a bug where you could verify entries while still clocked in. * Added user selection for payroll reviewers to switch between timesheets. * Fixed bug where the incorrect email was shown in the header. 0.4.1 (Released 06-04-2012) --------------------------- * Made projects' tracker URL's appear on the project detail view. * Added reasonable limits to the total time and pause length of entries. * Users can now comment on the active entry while clocking into a new one. * Fixed a bug with entries overlapping when clocking in while another entry is active. * Added the ability for payroll reviewers to reject an entry, which marks it as unverified. * Added a weekly total on the dashboard for all hours worked. * The hourly summary in "My Ledger" now shows the entire first week of the month. * Made payroll links to timesheets maintain the proper month and year. * Made URL's in entry comments display as HTML links * Fixed permissions checking for payroll and entry summary views. * Made project list page filterable by project status. * Replaced django-ajax-select with latest version of django-selectable * Added migration to remove tables related to django-crm 0.4.0 (Released 04-27-2012) --------------------------- * Improved personnel timesheets with a simplified, tabbed layout. * Improved efficency and consistency of entry queries * Removed BillingWindow, RepeatPeriod, and PersonRepeatPeriod models, tables and related code. * Removed the update billing windows management command as it is no longer needed. 0.3.8 (Released 02-16-2012) --------------------------- * Converted invoice reference to a CharField for more flexibility * Added list and detail views for project contracts * Hour groups now show totals for each activity nested within them * Moved unapproved and unverified entry warnings to the payroll summary page. 0.3.7 (Released 02-01-2012) --------------------------- * Make create invoice page inclusive of date 0.3.6 (Released 02-01-2012) --------------------------- * Allowed entries to be added in the future. * Added per project activity restrictions. * Allowed marking entries as 'not invoiced' and grouped entries together after clicking on "Mark as invoiced" * Added the ability to view previous invoices and export them as csv's * Added the ability to group different activities together into Hour Groups for summarizing in invoices. 0.3.5 (Released 12-09-2011) --------------------------- * Optimized Payroll Summary with reusable code from Hourly Reports. * Removed use of Textile and used the linebreaks filter tag in its place. 0.3.4 (Released 11-14-2011) --------------------------- * Added a new Hourly Reports view with project hours filtered and grouped by user specified criteria. * Hourly Reports, General Ledger and Payroll Summary are now subheadings under Reports. * Improved My Ledger with row highlighting, better CSS and a title attribute. * Fixed Invoice projects to return the date range with m/d/Y. 0.3.3 (Released 10-31-2011) --------------------------- * Fixed Time Detail This Week on Dashboard to show correct totals * Fixed Billable Summary on My Ledger to show totals for unverified hours 0.3.2 (Released 10-28-2011) --------------------------- * My Active Entries on Dashboard now shows the hours worked thus far * Improved My Ledger by adding a comments column and a redirect from the edit entry link * Fixed issues related to the hourly summary option not appearing for some users * Fixed issues with date accuracy in weekly headings on ledger pages * General ledger now sorts users by last name * Enhanced project time sheets with an activity column and a summary of hours spent on each activity. * Invoice projects page now shows project status * Activity on clock in page now defaults to the last activity clocked on that project * Payroll report only shows users that have clocked hours for the period. 0.3.1 (Released 10-20-2011) --------------------------- * Moved to GitHub (and git) * Add hourly summary page to report daily, weekly, and monthly hours * Refactored weekly overtime calculations to use ISO 8601 0.3.0 (Released 10-03-2011) --------------------------- * Removed ability to maintain multiple active entries * Enhanced logic on clock in and add entry pages to check for overlapping entries * Fixed date redirect when marking projects as invoiced * Fixed issues related to the "Approve Timesheet" link missing * Include billable, non-billable, uninvoiced, and invoiced summaries on person timesheet * Use select_related in a few places to optimize page loads 0.2.0 (Released 09-01-2011) --------------------------- * First official release Development sponsored by `Caktus Consulting Group, LLC `_.